Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How energy works?

If you have played other Zynga games you should not have much problem understanding the concept of "Energy"in Mafia Wars 2. However energy in Mafia Wars 2 does differ a little from other Zynga games. We will try to explain the most basic things you will need to understand about energy here.

  1. What uses energy?
  • In Mafia Wars 2, most actions require energy. First of all, collecting requires energy, that is , collecting from workers, houses, casinos etc. Also doing jobs like playing in the Casino, robbing buildings require energy. And finally fighting requires energy. 
  • However, constructing and upgrading buildings, hiring and ordering jobs for workers,  and buying buildings do not require energy.
     2. How do you get more energy?
  • Your energy gets slowly increased and regenerates itself in time. 
  • Visiting friends gives you energy.
  • Posting on facebook feed could get you energy packs.
  • Or you could purchase energy drinks and packs using gold.
  • You get energy when you level up.
  • You can also acquire energy through energy generating buildings.
  • You sometimes get energy randomly when doing jobs or fighting.

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